Monday, March 12, 2007

The Beginning

Well, I've always thought about starting up a blog since we've moved to France. It is an easy way to let everyone know what's going on in one's life without overloading everyone's email box with long emails. Then I met Jerry, who uses his blog to display his artwork. So after much hesitation, I finally decided to bite the bullet and set up a blog. I can't promise that I'll update it that regularly. Many of my weekdays are boringly spent working in the archives by day and teaching English in the evening. However, on the weekends, Marie-Eve and I are beginning to explore Paris. Not the boring touristy parts that are on everyone's "Must See" list, but rather those places off the beaten path. Those small quint areas that can be quite surprising to find in the vastly crowded Paris landscape.


Unknown said...

Great idea. Both Ruth and I look forward to following you around Paris via the blog to pick up some good ideas for our next visit.


Kenneth Johnson said...

Thanks Jack. Sorry for the confusion, but I have it set up where I have to approve comments before they are displayed. I think I'll just let people comment away and I'll just moderate after. :D

Blackspecs said...

Great to see you in the Blog-sphere !!!! Who is this Marie-Eve by the way ?! Is she your sister ???


Kenneth Johnson said...

I've added a list of links to friends who have blogs. :D

What other sorts of things do you guy would you guys like to see?
Here are some ideas that I have:
- Historical Things
- Quaint little hidden things
- Weekly news updates (about job searches and stuff)